Thompson Cigar is America’s oldest mail order cigar company. They have been in the business since 1915 with an incredible selection of cigars, humidors and related accessories. This heritage has led to a very loyal customer base and they strive to please those customers and attract new ones by offering the best prices and products possible. Some of the best deals available through Thompson Cigar are their sampler packs. Samplers typically give you a great selection of cigars for 50% or more off the regular price. A couple samplers in particular include over $100 worth of cigars for only $39.95, at a price like that they’re practically giving them away! However if you’re not going to be in Tampa the only way to buy from Thompson’s is through mail-order. They don’t ship their products across the border, but Kinek has partnered with Thompson Cigar to help fulfill Canadian orders!
You still can’t have your cigar order shipped directly to you into Canada, but if you’re among the 20+ million Canadians who live near the border or you’re planning on taking a trip to the United States anytime soon you can get a US Shipping Address from Kinek! With a location at nearly every major border crossing you’ll be sure to find one that works for you. Get your order from Thompson Cigar delivered to a border KinekPoint, you’ll then be notified via email and text message when it arrives and we’ll store it for up to 30 days so you can pick it up at your convenience. If you’ve been in the States for over 48 hours you can bring back up to 50 cigars and 200 grams of manufactured tobacco products back with you duty free. If you’re just crossing the border to pick up your order, or will be there for less than 48 hours, provincial tax and applicable duties must be paid.
If you’re looking for a gift for the cigar aficionado in your family or want to pick up some quality cigars or humidors head on over to Thompson Cigar’s website and take a look.