Bay Brokerage in Port Huron, Michigan is your US shipping address. Bay Brokerage is a well established brokerage firm and has recently partnered with Kinek to offer package receiving for cross border shoppers.
Bay Brokerage charges a base fee of $5 per package and will accept larger items. If you are looking to purchase a vehicle from the U.S. you can follow our instructions on how to import cars into Canada. There will be a higher fee for vehicles since there’s more work and effort but Bay Brokerage will handle everything for you including preparing all the documents.
If you’re a person who is looking for a US shipping address in Port Huron, Michigan here are the steps to start shipping your items to Bay Brokerage.
- Step 1: Sign up for the service at
- Step 2: Fill out your profile once you sign up
- Step 3: Find Bay Brokerage by searching “Port Huron, Michigan”
- Step 4: Select Bay Brokerage and Save it as your KinekPoint
- Step 5: Use your new shipping address when ordering online or from a catalogue
One of the neat features of shipping to Bay Brokerage is when your package arrives you receive instant text message and email notifications. Be sure to add your KINEK# to your new US shipping address or you won’t receive a notification when it arrives.
If you ever have any problems with this process you can comment here on this post and we will be sure to help you out.