Well, after a great Easter long-weekend, I thought I would share some recent cross border savings I took advantage of.

For over 2 years now I’ve been using a laptop with a dead battery in it. The laptop is only 3 years old, but for some reason the battery died about a year after I bought it (Conveniently for the laptop maker, it died JUST after the warranty expired…).

I’m not talking about a 30 minute lifespan, I’m lucky if it lasts for 3 or 4 minutes! This means that I have to carry an adapter around with me everywhere I go, but what drives me really crazy is that a replacement battery costs about $140 Canadian.

I looked EVERYWHERE online in Canada for a cheaper battery, but couldn’t find one cheaper than $130. There was no way I was going to pay that so soon after spending so much on the laptop to begin with. However, last week someone told me to check out eBay.com. Within 5 minutes of searching I found the exact battery I needed for only $45, with free shipping to a US address! I couldn’t believe it so I placed the order immediately and because they didn’t offer Canadian shipping, I had it shipped to a border Kinek Point (check out our US Shipping Address section to learn how to ship to one of Kinek’s over 700 US addresses).

While I could have used this battery a few years ago, I’m just glad I can actually use my laptop the way it was supposed to be used.
